Adhésion de la LGU à l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Suite à son adhésion à l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, la LGU fait désormais partie d’un réseau international de 884 universités membres qui utilisent la langue française dans 111 pays. Ce partenariat permet à la LGU d’élargir son réseau académique et scientifique auprès des institutions membres et de renforcer sa position en tant qu’université majoritairement francophone qui œuvre à promouvoir la langue et la culture françaises. Nos étudiants, enseignants et chercheurs pourront ainsi bénéficier de nouvelles collaborations aux niveaux des bourses et des ressources scientifiques et académiques des institutions francophones adhérentes au réseau AUF. Pour sa part, la LGU contribuera à la réalisation de la mission, des objectifs et des priorités de l’AUF. |
Agreement between LGU and CNRS Lebanon
In March 2018, LGU has signed a cooperation agreement with “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique du Liban – CNRS”, as known, it is always seeking for excellence in delivering quality education and assuring scientific research in all its faculties.
Such an agreement will provide backup for LGU researchers who are engaged in common research projects with CNRS on current scientific issues.
Cooperation with Goethe Institute
The Lebanese German University established a cooperation agreement with Goethe Institute. This agreement aims at promoting the exchange of instructors, elaborating programs, organizing seminars and course meetings, and exchanging relevant documents and publications. It also promotes the teaching of German as a second language and provides exposure to the German culture. |
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), United Kingdom
The Lebanese German University and the Chartered Insurance Institute established a joint cooperation in the field of insurance. LGU has since become the exclusive provider of CII insurance courses and training for the Lebanese market in addition to being the center for CII examinations. |
La Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française in cooperation with Université Paris I, Panthéon – Sorbonne, France
An agreement was signed between La Federation Nationale de la Mutualité Française in cooperation with Université Paris I, Pantheon – Sorbonne and the Lebanese German University, whereby personnel and staff working in this field in Lebanon are invited to either develop their academic status or increase their performance as well as their training capabilities at work. Certificates and/or degrees are awarded to deserving candidates. |
ARAB Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers
The Lebanese German University joined the Arab ACRAO, a non-profit, voluntary, professional association of more than 100 universities operating in more than 20 Arab countries. The mission of this association is to serve and advance higher education by providing leadership in academic and enrollment services. |
Lebanese Army
The Lebanese German University – LGU signed an agreement with the Lebanese Army in order to promote cooperation on the scientific and social levels allowing both parties to benefit from their relevant experience, in order to enhance the abilities of individuals and establishments and boost knowledge acquisition in the fields of public health, business, technology, and sports. |
Cooperation with Kassel University, Germany
This agreement aims at encouraging cooperation between LGU and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Kassel University. It has enabled LGU to launch an FUSE master’s program on Functional Safety Engineering. It also encourages the implementation of joint research projects, the exchange of professors, academic staff, and students who may complete short-term specialized study courses or attend courses throughout one semester at Kassel, as well as exchange information about conferences, academic meetings, and seminars. |
Collaboration with Bordeaux I University, France
This collaboration favors research carried out at the Faculty of Public Health. The first research started in partnership with IMs Laboratory, CRONE group. It is based on fractional order systems and their applications. Post graduates are working in LGU laboratory on thermal diffusive interfaces in collaboration with University Bordeaux I. |
Convention de coopération en médecine avec l’Université de Lorraine
La Lebanese German University a signé une convention de coopération en médecine avec l’Université de Lorraine. L’accord a pour objectif de faciliter et d’intensifier les échanges pédagogiques entre les deux établissements d’enseignement supérieur.
Ils conviennent de porter leurs efforts sur les domaines de santé publique suivants :
- Epidémiologie
- Promotion et Éducation pour la santé
- Éthique
Cooperation Agreement with Heilbronn University, Germany
This agreement promotes the exchange of professors, staff, and students at the Bachelor and Master levels and the preparation and implementation of joint workshops and training programs, research and development projects, and curriculum development.
Cooperation Agreement with Steinbeis University, Germany
This agreement works towards the exchange of students and favors the creation of a Lebanese/German educational model that allows students to live an inter-cultural experience. It also enables Lebanese students with basic knowledge of German to earn a German degree while living in Lebanon. |
Cooperation Agreement with Ecole de Podologie de Marseille, France
This joint agreement involves mutual collaboration in academic fields, namely in podiatry studies and training, the exchange of faculty members, the organization and participation in joint seminars; students exchange, developing and updating professional graduate program in podiatry studies, and issuing certificates and degrees by both institutions. |
Cooperation Agreement with Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
This cooperation agreement involves the exchange of faculty members and collaboration in the field of research; discussion of syllabi and programs; the exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students; and implementation of a joint graduate program in Lebanon for the Faculty of Business. |
Cooperation Agreement with Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany
The agreement involves student and staff exchange in academic areas related to business, management and technology; joint educational and research activities; the exchange of academic material and academic publications as well as faculty members for research, lectures, and seminars. |
Cooperation agreement with Association Leonard de Vinci (ALDV) – France
This cooperation promotes the exchange of graduates and undergraduates for study and research programs. It also involves the exchange of faculty members, staff, and scholars for lectures, advanced studies, and research. |
Cooperation with Hochschule Bremen – City University of applied Sciences, Germany
This agreement aims at promoting international cooperation and development between LGU and Hochschule Bremen – City University of applied Sciences by encouraging student exchange program, summer education programs abroad, visiting researchers/scholars, faculty exchange programs, collaborative research projects and joint lectures, conferences and seminars. |
La Lebanese German University a signé un partenariat avec le Syndicat des Garderies Professionnelles du Liban.
Ce projet de partenariat est mis en œuvre dans le cadre du développement d’un dispositif de formations continues destinées à soutenir les pratiques éducatives du personnel des garderies et les aider à consolider leurs interventions quotidiennes. Ce rapprochement prend la forme de coopérations sur le terrain, d’échanges de pratiques académiques et de mutualisations progressives et constitue une base fondamentale pour le développement du secteur académique et des compétences professionnelles. Cette collaboration favorise des échanges propices à l’amélioration de la qualité des services offerts à la petite enfance et assure sa socialisation et son développement dans un environnement sain/équilibré. |
Lebanese University, Lebanon
This mutual agreement promotes cooperation in the academic field, the exchange of faculty members, and research development. More sub-agreements with faculties at the LU were also developed, namely the Faculty of Tourism. |